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Sacred Arrangements

Bring your practices and spaces to life with high vibrational art & crafts.


Everything for sale on this site has been crafted by Claudia Skye in ceremony.


The items are intended as sacred objects assisting you in accessing and channeling truth, connection and creative power.




are instruments for working with energy and can help you


  • Create a trance-like state of being, connecting more deeply into the subtle realms.

  • Call in, focus, break up and disperse energy (in spaces or for personal healing).​

  • Bridge between ordinary and non-ordinary realms.

Eagle Rattle


Elk hide, bone carved eagle, filled with pebbles from a canyon near Taos, NM.

Eagle rattleDr. Claudia Skye Zimmermann
00:00 / 00:22

Eagle Rattle

$85 + $7.99 shipping (US)


Thank you!

Hopi Sun rattle​

Elk hide, Sterling silver Hopi Sun, filled with seeds and small pebbles form a canyon near Taos, NM.

I have worked with this rattle, you will see signs of use on the leather.

Hopi Sun rattleDr. Claudia Skye Zimmermann
00:00 / 00:30

Hopi Sun Rattle

$95 + $7.99 shipping (US)


Thank you!



are used in meditation, contemplation, ceremony, ritual or prayer as a tool to guide energy and light. The materials used are a link to the spaces one wishes to connect with.

Deer Prayer Stick


Red willow, selenite, copper, deer antler, deer hide, red cotton cloth, royal palm turkey feathers, mostly near Lyons, CO


This item is not for sale. 


Soul Remembrance

Dr. Claudia Skye Zimmermann

  • YouTube


Thank you.

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