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Bridging science & spirituality, and combining the wisdom & experience born out of over 30 years of supporting clients within Western, Eastern as well as complementary fields of Medicine, as well as from transforming severe difficulties in my own life, I offer a blend of modalities, practices and tools that I have found the most effective for restoring balance into one's life through physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being

Repetitive patterns of stress (in our relationships, health, career, finances and inner world)

lead to chronic stress and shows up as anxiety, worry, depression,

addiction, repressed anger, feeling flat, lost, stuck or overwhelmed.


The root cause lies often in unconscious, unresolved trauma and consecutive Soul Loss ​

- not being in touch with one's inner essence, power and knowing.


You realize something needs to change in a deeper level, and you are not sure how to move forward?



Initiate true TRANSFORMATION with the practice of 





During these sessions, you will be guided to go to the core of whatever is difficult in your life.


You will tap into your own deep wisdom & intelligence, your innate healing capacity & sense of direction, by discharging toxic old patterns and creating space for a higher expression of yourself to reveal itself to you.


An "Inner Alchemy Session" can include


  • Releasing emotional blocks & trauma from your body, esp. the nervous system & connective tissue

  • Soul reclamation through nature-based ceremonies, forgiveness â€‹â€‹& sacred intent

  • Releasing of energetic enmeshment and restoration of "Self"

  • Somatic re-patterning of limiting beliefs & mindset


Inner Alchemy - IntroductionDr. Claudia Skye Zimmermann
00:00 / 08:18



"Dr. Claudia Skye is a one-of-a-kind mentor, healer, and coach and I am so grateful for her honest, grounded, and compassionate loving support over the past 10 years. She has helped me with physical, emotional, and spiritual issues all the while strengthening my own innate ability to heal, better understand myself, and transform old wounds into greater awareness and consciousness. I not only look to Dr. Claudia Skye for healing support for myself, but have also referred many of my own patients, friends, and family members and highly recommend both one-on-one sessions as well as the Evolve program for anyone who is interested to experience life more fully embodied.  " ~ Amy


"In just a short time working with Claudia, I was freed of my limiting beliefs, fell in love with myself again and jumped back into the driver's seat of my life. ... exceeding all of my health goals ... reignited my marriage ...set out in new business directions. Total transformation from the inside out.”  ~ Aaron 


Therapy, self-help books, ... truly nothing has helped as well as the process in which Claudia takes you through. At 52 years old, I’m finally discovering myself.”  ~ Debra


“This has profoundly assisted me in remembering who I am and why I'm here. Take a hold of this work and let it come home. It will bring immense gratefulness and knowingness into your life."  ~ Lisa 


"I have been through a lot of programs before in personal and spiritual development, but Claudia brings a level of depth that I have never experienced before, esp. in healing. A skin condition I had for years is gone, and I had my first 6-figure year in my business."  ~ Kevin


"I was in a very dark place, defining my happiness through my corporate job and pleasing other people, and projecting my own unhappiness on the people I loved the most. Claudia's guidance allowed me to awaken my authentic Self and restore self-love into my Soul. My relationships are stronger than ever, I show up in my workplace like never before, I have reconnected with my Divine Feminine, I have been guided back home.”  ~ Meredith 


"My husband has noticed a noticeable difference in how I handle myself in difficult situations, my ability to keep calm where I otherwise would have spiraled. I have found an inner peace through ups and downs I didn't know I was capable of. My perspective on life has been shifted profoundly. Life is truly beautiful!"  ~ Carrie

Are you experiencing seasonal or environmental allergies, food intolerances or other

health conditions because of mold, yeast, candida, bacteria or viruses?


Activate your innate self-healing capacity.



is a safe, non-invasive method with no side effects.


Often, complex symptoms have a simple root cause. Let's find and shift it.


Restore your body's wholeness with a clearing method that addresses the deeper layers of the imbalance you are experiencing.


They help with auto-immune diseases, inflammation and conditions like Lyme disease, mold toxicity, chronic fatigue, brain fog, anxiety, digestive, respiratory  or muscoluskeletal issues and more.


Depending on your health and the complexity as well as severity of the condition you are struggling with, a single session or a longer series is needed to reset and restore your body.



If you consider booking a session, please listen to the following recording first.

Wholeness through SovereigntyDr. Claudia Skye Zimmermann
00:00 / 07:09



“After two sessions, my 6-year old’s asthma went away. Thank you!” ~ Jess


“All my organs were failing due to an unknown infection, and no doctor could help me. One single session with Claudia restored me back to health.”  ~ Brian


“I had severe colitis and a constant sore throat for several years. Despite taking 18 different drugs and supplements each day, I couldn’t eat most foods, experienced massive digestive issues and felt chronically exhausted. After 4 online lsessions with Claudia, my throat as well as digestion are completely normal, I'm off all my medications, and significant seasonal allergies are literally gone. I’m blown away!” ~ Amy 


“I was given two years to live with a fungal infection in my lungs. After two clearings, the infection went away.”  ~ Susan


“I was severely limited in what I could eat and felt lethargic and foggy headed for years. After the clearings for candida, parasites and some food allergies, I can enjoy a normal diet again, and I feel energized and clear-headed like I used to.”  ~ Jill


“Claudia’s clearings helped our whole family recover from severe mold intoxication.  ~ James


“My 13-year old daughter experienced a profound reversal of symptoms that had plagued her since birth." ~ Debbie


"My daughter had severe allergies to pet dander and couldn't visit friends because of it. After just a few sessions with Claudia, she can be with all animals and has so much more freedom in her life."  ~ Sarah


"There was barely anything left that I could eat without getting really sick. Addressing my gut health with Claudia's sessions, I can now eat a normal diet and enjoy food again."  ~ Joanne


Soul Remembrance

Dr. Claudia Skye Zimmermann

  • YouTube


Thank you.

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